• Tiếng Việt
  • English
Empirical Study on the Relationship between Cyclic Rapping Force and the Lifespan of Discharge Electrode Frames in Dust Filter Chambers

Empirical Study on the Relationship between Cyclic Rapping Force and the Lifespan of Discharge Electrode Frames in Dust Filter Chambers


This study aims to investigate the relationship between the cyclic rapping force of a hammer (F) and the lifespan of a discharge electrode frame, which is an important component of dust filter chambers. The phenomenon of vibration propagation due to cyclic impacts is beneficial for dust removal, but it can also cause fatigue damage to key components such as the discharge electrode frame, collecting electrode plates, and hammers. In order to address this issue, the theory of radial collisions of two rigid bodies has been applied, and experiments have been conducted on a dust filter chamber model to establish the experimental curve according to the authors' theory. The relationship between the impulse (F) of the rapping hammer and the durability (N) of the discharge electrode frame has been explored and analyzed. The findings of this study can be used to inform the design and optimization of dust filter chambers, ultimately contributing to improved efficiency and effectiveness in industrial dust removal processes. 
Keywords: Dust Filter Chambers, Cyclic Rapping Force, Discharge Electrode Frame, Fatigue Damage, Industrial Dust Removal Processes

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